Who is Gual Defo ጓል ዲፎ ?
Her biological father came from Shewa Ethiopia (some people said from Gojam) came under the Ethiopian–Eritrean Federation he was working as police officer at local Mekarka police (6 fingers man). He disappeared and her mother give to other man (Gilazghi who was married twice but never had any of his own child from both women. His first wife was remarried to other man and have few children). According to the local tradition, when a woman gives to a man a child it was acceptable without any blood test or any hesitation. Her mother told people that she give her child to this man because to gain wealth. Her husband also said in his own words: “not gual Gilazghi”. Her husband believes one Ethiopia ሓንቲ ኢትዮጵያ he fought against Eritrean army for independence war sided with Ethiopian army.
That is why many people called her gual Defo (ጓል ዲፎ ) to this day no one knows her real father’s name. She is well known for foods and drinks poisoning, she can produced microorganisms bacteria viruses on people she does not like or if she want make someone go away or make them insane. She spent her time and money for psychic / fortune teller that is what they do Gojam people in Ethiopia, it is a norm for them pray on evil.
Two of her sons rapist; one paid to the victim 70,000 (70 ሽሕ) hush money (to prevent them from disclosing embarrassing and to avoid jail). The other son served in jail few months.
Small size hand sanitizer spray that cost $2 at any store accidentally a neighbor spray to her husband’s face and other man’s face; it is harmless but his neighbor was jailed three (3) times for the same incident. Both the husband and wife made a big deal based on deceiving to the local police. This happened because the husband and neighbor arguing over 100,000 (100 ሽሕ ) Goods were taken and pushed 25 cm wall without permission (25 ሴንቲ ሜተር መንደቕ). He called him thieves and stop lie.